Diagnosis through clinical assessment
Consider early administration of CABLIVI in combination with PEX and immunosuppressive therapy
ADAMTS13 test results inform treatment decisions
*A conditional recommendation defined as desirable effects of the recommendation probably outweighing the undesirable effects. Assumes timely access to ADAMTS13 testing and clinical diagnosis based on high likelihood of aTTP/iTTP. In de novo patients where no reasonable access to ADAMTS13 activity testing is available, the Guidelines do not recommend CABLIVI; however, treatment of a patient previously diagnosed with aTTP/iTTP could be safely undertaken on clinical grounds without the need for a confirmatory ADAMTS13 test.2
ISTH TTP Guidelines are the first evidence-based, international guidelines on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of acquired/immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (aTTP/iTTP)1,2
Treatment recommendations have evolved to include PEX, immunosuppressive therapy, and CABLIVI
Starting CABLIVI early is believed to have the greatest benefit in the early phase of acute aTTP/iTTP events (initial or relapsing)
Identifying aTTP/iTTP is crucial for initiation of an appropriate therapeutic strategy2
- PLASMIC score
- French score
Clinical assessment‡
(<100 × 109/L)
Evidence of MAHA§
Relatively preserved renal function
Risk assessment toolsǁ
Available risk assessment tools include:
The higher the risk assessment score, the more likely patients have severe ADAMTS13 deficiency and aTTP/iTTP
‡List includes laboratory tests and results only; exclusive of physical symptoms, such as petechiae.
§Hb and hematocrit below reference range, low haptoglobin, elevated LDH, presence of schistocytes in peripheral blood smear.
ǁISTH did not appraise the evidence for these 2 tools.
- CABLIVI is contraindicated in patients with a previous severe hypersensitivity reaction to caplacizumab-yhdp or to any of its excipients
- Withhold CABLIVI treatment 7 days prior to elective surgery, dental procedures, or other invasive interventions
Recommended diagnostic and management strategy for initial, acute events with access to ADAMTS13 results within 7 days

Who should not start CABLIVI?
*A conditional recommendation defined as desirable effects of the recommendation probably outweighing the undesirable effects. Assumes timely access to ADAMTS13 testing and clinical diagnosis based on high likelihood of aTTP/iTTP. In de novo patients where no reasonable access to ADAMTS13 activity testing is available, the Guidelines do not recommend CABLIVI; however, treatment of a patient previously diagnosed with aTTP/iTTP could be safely undertaken on clinical grounds without the need for a confirmatory ADAMTS13 test.2
‡List includes laboratory tests and results only; exclusive of physical symptoms, such as petechiae.
§Hb and hematocrit below reference range, low haptoglobin, elevated LDH, presence of schistocytes in peripheral blood smear.
Adapted from ISTH Guidelines for Diagnosis of TTP.
Continue CABLIVI or consider STARTING CABLIVI*
Use clinical judgment to guide treatment and consider other diagnoses
Stop CABLIVI and consider other
According to the ISTH TTP Guidelines, treatment of relapses for a patient previously diagnosed with aTTP/iTTP could be started safely based on clinical grounds without the need for a confirmatory ADAMTS13 test2
Timely access to ADAMTS13 results is key to providing optimal care for patients with aTTP/iTTP
Select US labs testing ADAMTS13 activity, inhibitors, and antibodies:
Machaon Diagnostics
Mayo Clinical Laboratories
Quest Diagnostics
800-245-3117 x6250
These listings do not constitute an endorsement by Sanofi and are not included in the ISTH Guidelines. The above is a selection of national laboratories offering ADAMTS13 tests for activity, inhibitor, and antibody testing. This is not an exhaustive list of labs that offer one or more of these tests or an endorsement of any lab. Other testing options may be available, including at local or regional laboratories. Content is current as of July 2020, and tests may not be available in all states. Please call laboratory to confirm test availability, sample shipping information, and all other logistics.
Choose CABLIVI on day 1 in combination with PEX and immunosuppressive therapy
The CABLIVI dosing regimen starts in the hospital and continues at home
Who should not start CABLIVI?
- CABLIVI is contraindicated in patients with a previous severe hypersensitivity reaction to caplacizumab-yhdp or to any of its excipients
- Withhold CABLIVI treatment 7 days prior to elective surgery, dental procedures, or other invasive interventions
†The ISTH TTP Guidelines refer to aTTP as iTTP.
ADAMTS13=a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with a thrombospondin type 1 motif, 13; Hb=hemoglobin; ISTH=International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis; LDH=lactate dehydrogenase; MAHA=microangiopathic hemolytic anemia; PEX=plasma exchange; TTP=thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.
CABLIVI is contraindicated in patients with a previous severe hypersensitivity reaction to caplacizumab-yhdp or to any of its excipients. Hypersensitivity reactions have included urticaria.
- CABLIVI increases the risk of bleeding. In clinical studies, severe bleeding adverse reactions of epistaxis, gingival bleeding, upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage, and metrorrhagia were each reported in 1% of subjects. Overall, bleeding events occurred in approximately 58% of patients on CABLIVI versus 43% of patients on placebo.
- In the postmarketing setting cases of life-threatening and fatal bleeding were reported in patients receiving CABLIVI.
- The risk of bleeding is increased in patients with underlying coagulopathies (e.g. hemophilia, other coagulation factor deficiencies). It is also increased with concomitant use of CABLIVI with drugs affecting hemostasis and coagulation.
- Avoid concomitant use of CABLIVI with antiplatelet agents or anticoagulants. If clinically significant bleeding occurs, interrupt use of CABLIVI. Von Willebrand factor concentrate may be administered to rapidly correct hemostasis. If CABLIVI is restarted, monitor closely for signs of bleeding.
- Withhold CABLIVI for 7 days prior to elective surgery, dental procedures or other invasive interventions. If emergency surgery is needed, the use of von Willebrand factor concentrate may be considered to correct hemostasis. After the risk of surgical bleeding has resolved, and CABLIVI is resumed, monitor closely for signs of bleeding.
The most common adverse reactions (>15% of patients) were epistaxis (29%), headache (21%) and gingival bleeding (16%).
Concomitant use of CABLIVI with any anticoagulant or antiplatelet agent may increase the risk of bleeding. Avoid concomitant use when possible. Assess and monitor closely for bleeding with concomitant use.
There are no available data on CABLIVI use in pregnant women to inform a drug associated risk of major birth defects and miscarriage.
Fetal/neonatal adverse reactions: CABLIVI may increase the risk of bleeding in the fetus and neonate. Monitor neonates for bleeding.
Maternal adverse reactions: All patients receiving CABLIVI, including pregnant women, are at risk for bleeding. Pregnant women receiving CABLIVI should be carefully monitored for evidence of excessive bleeding.
CABLIVI (caplacizumab-yhdp) is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (aTTP), in combination with plasma exchange and immunosuppressive therapy.
Please see full Prescribing Information.
Instructions For Use
Sharps Medical Waste Disposal (PDF)
Learn more about Sanofi’s commitment to fighting counterfeit drugs.
References: 1. Zheng XL, Vesely SK, Cataland SR, et al. ISTH guidelines for treatment of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. J Thromb Haemost. 2020;18(10):2496-2502. doi:10.1111/jth.15010 2. Zheng XL, Vesely SK, Cataland SR, et al. ISTH guidelines for the diagnosis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. J Thromb Haemost. 2020;18(10):2486-2495. doi:10.1111/jth.15006 3. Oliveira DS, Lima TG, Neri Benevides FL, et al. PLASMIC score applicability for the diagnosis of thrombotic microangiopathy associated with ADAMTS13-acquired deficiency in a developing country. Hematol Transfus Cell Ther. 2019;41(2):119-124. doi:10.1016/j.htct.2018.10.002
CABLIVI is contraindicated in patients with a previous severe hypersensitivity reaction to caplacizumab-yhdp or to any of its excipients. Hypersensitivity reactions have included urticaria.
- CABLIVI increases the risk of bleeding. In clinical studies, severe bleeding adverse reactions of epistaxis, gingival bleeding, upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage, and metrorrhagia were each reported in 1% of subjects. Overall, bleeding events occurred in approximately 58% of patients on CABLIVI versus 43% of patients on placebo.
- In the postmarketing setting cases of life-threatening and fatal bleeding were reported in patients receiving CABLIVI.
- The risk of bleeding is increased in patients with underlying coagulopathies (e.g. hemophilia, other coagulation factor deficiencies). It is also increased with concomitant use of CABLIVI with drugs affecting hemostasis and coagulation.
- Avoid concomitant use of CABLIVI with antiplatelet agents or anticoagulants. If clinically significant bleeding occurs, interrupt use of CABLIVI. Von Willebrand factor concentrate may be administered to rapidly correct hemostasis. If CABLIVI is restarted, monitor closely for signs of bleeding.
- Withhold CABLIVI for 7 days prior to elective surgery, dental procedures or other invasive interventions. If emergency surgery is needed, the use of von Willebrand factor concentrate may be considered to correct hemostasis. After the risk of surgical bleeding has resolved, and CABLIVI is resumed, monitor closely for signs of bleeding.
The most common adverse reactions (>15% of patients) were epistaxis (29%), headache (21%) and gingival bleeding (16%).
Concomitant use of CABLIVI with any anticoagulant or antiplatelet agent may increase the risk of bleeding. Avoid concomitant use when possible. Assess and monitor closely for bleeding with concomitant use.
There are no available data on CABLIVI use in pregnant women to inform a drug associated risk of major birth defects and miscarriage.
Fetal/neonatal adverse reactions: CABLIVI may increase the risk of bleeding in the fetus and neonate. Monitor neonates for bleeding.
Maternal adverse reactions: All patients receiving CABLIVI, including pregnant women, are at risk for bleeding. Pregnant women receiving CABLIVI should be carefully monitored for evidence of excessive bleeding.
CABLIVI (caplacizumab-yhdp) is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (aTTP), in combination with plasma exchange and immunosuppressive therapy.
Please see full Prescribing Information.
Instructions For Use
Sharps Medical Waste Disposal (PDF)
Learn more about Sanofi’s commitment to fighting counterfeit drugs.
References: 1. Zheng XL, Vesely SK, Cataland SR, et al. ISTH guidelines for treatment of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. J Thromb Haemost. 2020;18(10):2496-2502. doi:10.1111/jth.15010 2. Zheng XL, Vesely SK, Cataland SR, et al. ISTH guidelines for the diagnosis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. J Thromb Haemost. 2020;18(10):2486-2495. doi:10.1111/jth.15006 3. Oliveira DS, Lima TG, Neri Benevides FL, et al. PLASMIC score applicability for the diagnosis of thrombotic microangiopathy associated with ADAMTS13-acquired deficiency in a developing country. Hematol Transfus Cell Ther. 2019;41(2):119-124. doi:10.1016/j.htct.2018.10.002
CABLIVI is contraindicated in patients with a previous severe hypersensitivity reaction to caplacizumab-yhdp or to any of its excipients. Hypersensitivity reactions have included urticaria.
- CABLIVI increases the risk of bleeding. In clinical studies, severe bleeding adverse reactions of epistaxis, gingival bleeding, upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage, and metrorrhagia were each reported in 1% of subjects. Overall, bleeding events occurred in approximately 58% of patients on CABLIVI versus 43% of patients on placebo.
- In the postmarketing setting cases of life-threatening and fatal bleeding were reported in patients receiving CABLIVI.
- The risk of bleeding is increased in patients with underlying coagulopathies (e.g. hemophilia, other coagulation factor deficiencies). It is also increased with concomitant use of CABLIVI with drugs affecting hemostasis and coagulation.
- Avoid concomitant use of CABLIVI with antiplatelet agents or anticoagulants. If clinically significant bleeding occurs, interrupt use of CABLIVI. Von Willebrand factor concentrate may be administered to rapidly correct hemostasis. If CABLIVI is restarted, monitor closely for signs of bleeding.
- Withhold CABLIVI for 7 days prior to elective surgery, dental procedures or other invasive interventions. If emergency surgery is needed, the use of von Willebrand factor concentrate may be considered to correct hemostasis. After the risk of surgical bleeding has resolved, and CABLIVI is resumed, monitor closely for signs of bleeding.
The most common adverse reactions (>15% of patients) were epistaxis (29%), headache (21%) and gingival bleeding (16%).
Concomitant use of CABLIVI with any anticoagulant or antiplatelet agent may increase the risk of bleeding. Avoid concomitant use when possible. Assess and monitor closely for bleeding with concomitant use.
There are no available data on CABLIVI use in pregnant women to inform a drug associated risk of major birth defects and miscarriage.
Fetal/neonatal adverse reactions: CABLIVI may increase the risk of bleeding in the fetus and neonate. Monitor neonates for bleeding.
Maternal adverse reactions: All patients receiving CABLIVI, including pregnant women, are at risk for bleeding. Pregnant women receiving CABLIVI should be carefully monitored for evidence of excessive bleeding.
CABLIVI (caplacizumab-yhdp) is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (aTTP), in combination with plasma exchange and immunosuppressive therapy.
Please see full Prescribing Information.
Instructions For Use
Sharps Medical Waste Disposal (PDF)
Learn more about Sanofi’s commitment to fighting counterfeit drugs.
References: 1. Zheng XL, Vesely SK, Cataland SR, et al. ISTH guidelines for treatment of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. J Thromb Haemost. 2020;18(10):2496-2502. doi:10.1111/jth.15010 2. Zheng XL, Vesely SK, Cataland SR, et al. ISTH guidelines for the diagnosis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. J Thromb Haemost. 2020;18(10):2486-2495. doi:10.1111/jth.15006 3. Oliveira DS, Lima TG, Neri Benevides FL, et al. PLASMIC score applicability for the diagnosis of thrombotic microangiopathy associated with ADAMTS13-acquired deficiency in a developing country. Hematol Transfus Cell Ther. 2019;41(2):119-124. doi:10.1016/j.htct.2018.10.002
CABLIVI is contraindicated in patients with a previous severe hypersensitivity reaction to caplacizumab-yhdp or to any of its excipients. Hypersensitivity reactions have included urticaria.
- CABLIVI increases the risk of bleeding. In clinical studies, severe bleeding adverse reactions of epistaxis, gingival bleeding, upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage, and metrorrhagia were each reported in 1% of subjects. Overall, bleeding events occurred in approximately 58% of patients on CABLIVI versus 43% of patients on placebo.
- In the postmarketing setting cases of life-threatening and fatal bleeding were reported in patients receiving CABLIVI.
- The risk of bleeding is increased in patients with underlying coagulopathies (e.g. hemophilia, other coagulation factor deficiencies). It is also increased with concomitant use of CABLIVI with drugs affecting hemostasis and coagulation.
- Avoid concomitant use of CABLIVI with antiplatelet agents or anticoagulants. If clinically significant bleeding occurs, interrupt use of CABLIVI. Von Willebrand factor concentrate may be administered to rapidly correct hemostasis. If CABLIVI is restarted, monitor closely for signs of bleeding.
- Withhold CABLIVI for 7 days prior to elective surgery, dental procedures or other invasive interventions. If emergency surgery is needed, the use of von Willebrand factor concentrate may be considered to correct hemostasis. After the risk of surgical bleeding has resolved, and CABLIVI is resumed, monitor closely for signs of bleeding.
The most common adverse reactions (>15% of patients) were epistaxis (29%), headache (21%) and gingival bleeding (16%).
Concomitant use of CABLIVI with any anticoagulant or antiplatelet agent may increase the risk of bleeding. Avoid concomitant use when possible. Assess and monitor closely for bleeding with concomitant use.
There are no available data on CABLIVI use in pregnant women to inform a drug associated risk of major birth defects and miscarriage.
Fetal/neonatal adverse reactions: CABLIVI may increase the risk of bleeding in the fetus and neonate. Monitor neonates for bleeding.
Maternal adverse reactions: All patients receiving CABLIVI, including pregnant women, are at risk for bleeding. Pregnant women receiving CABLIVI should be carefully monitored for evidence of excessive bleeding.
CABLIVI (caplacizumab-yhdp) is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (aTTP), in combination with plasma exchange and immunosuppressive therapy.
Please see full Prescribing Information.
Instructions For Use
Sharps Medical Waste Disposal (PDF)
Learn more about Sanofi’s commitment to fighting counterfeit drugs.
References: 1. Zheng XL, Vesely SK, Cataland SR, et al. ISTH guidelines for treatment of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. J Thromb Haemost. 2020;18(10):2496-2502. doi:10.1111/jth.15010 2. Zheng XL, Vesely SK, Cataland SR, et al. ISTH guidelines for the diagnosis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. J Thromb Haemost. 2020;18(10):2486-2495. doi:10.1111/jth.15006 3. Oliveira DS, Lima TG, Neri Benevides FL, et al. PLASMIC score applicability for the diagnosis of thrombotic microangiopathy associated with ADAMTS13-acquired deficiency in a developing country. Hematol Transfus Cell Ther. 2019;41(2):119-124. doi:10.1016/j.htct.2018.10.002
CABLIVI is contraindicated in patients with a previous severe hypersensitivity reaction to caplacizumab-yhdp or to any of its excipients. Hypersensitivity reactions have included urticaria.
- CABLIVI increases the risk of bleeding. In clinical studies, severe bleeding adverse reactions of epistaxis, gingival bleeding, upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage, and metrorrhagia were each reported in 1% of subjects. Overall, bleeding events occurred in approximately 58% of patients on CABLIVI versus 43% of patients on placebo.
- In the postmarketing setting cases of life-threatening and fatal bleeding were reported in patients receiving CABLIVI.
- The risk of bleeding is increased in patients with underlying coagulopathies (e.g. hemophilia, other coagulation factor deficiencies). It is also increased with concomitant use of CABLIVI with drugs affecting hemostasis and coagulation.
- Avoid concomitant use of CABLIVI with antiplatelet agents or anticoagulants. If clinically significant bleeding occurs, interrupt use of CABLIVI. Von Willebrand factor concentrate may be administered to rapidly correct hemostasis. If CABLIVI is restarted, monitor closely for signs of bleeding.
- Withhold CABLIVI for 7 days prior to elective surgery, dental procedures or other invasive interventions. If emergency surgery is needed, the use of von Willebrand factor concentrate may be considered to correct hemostasis. After the risk of surgical bleeding has resolved, and CABLIVI is resumed, monitor closely for signs of bleeding.
The most common adverse reactions (>15% of patients) were epistaxis (29%), headache (21%) and gingival bleeding (16%).
Concomitant use of CABLIVI with any anticoagulant or antiplatelet agent may increase the risk of bleeding. Avoid concomitant use when possible. Assess and monitor closely for bleeding with concomitant use.
There are no available data on CABLIVI use in pregnant women to inform a drug associated risk of major birth defects and miscarriage.
Fetal/neonatal adverse reactions: CABLIVI may increase the risk of bleeding in the fetus and neonate. Monitor neonates for bleeding.
Maternal adverse reactions: All patients receiving CABLIVI, including pregnant women, are at risk for bleeding. Pregnant women receiving CABLIVI should be carefully monitored for evidence of excessive bleeding.
CABLIVI (caplacizumab-yhdp) is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (aTTP), in combination with plasma exchange and immunosuppressive therapy.
Please see full Prescribing Information.
Instructions For Use
Sharps Medical Waste Disposal (PDF)
Learn more about Sanofi’s commitment to fighting counterfeit drugs.
References: 1. Zheng XL, Vesely SK, Cataland SR, et al. ISTH guidelines for treatment of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. J Thromb Haemost. 2020;18(10):2496-2502. doi:10.1111/jth.15010 2. Zheng XL, Vesely SK, Cataland SR, et al. ISTH guidelines for the diagnosis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. J Thromb Haemost. 2020;18(10):2486-2495. doi:10.1111/jth.15006 3. Oliveira DS, Lima TG, Neri Benevides FL, et al. PLASMIC score applicability for the diagnosis of thrombotic microangiopathy associated with ADAMTS13-acquired deficiency in a developing country. Hematol Transfus Cell Ther. 2019;41(2):119-124. doi:10.1016/j.htct.2018.10.002
CABLIVI is contraindicated in patients with a previous severe hypersensitivity reaction to caplacizumab-yhdp or to any of its excipients. Hypersensitivity reactions have included urticaria.
- CABLIVI increases the risk of bleeding. In clinical studies, severe bleeding adverse reactions of epistaxis, gingival bleeding, upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage, and metrorrhagia were each reported in 1% of subjects. Overall, bleeding events occurred in approximately 58% of patients on CABLIVI versus 43% of patients on placebo.
- In the postmarketing setting cases of life-threatening and fatal bleeding were reported in patients receiving CABLIVI.
- The risk of bleeding is increased in patients with underlying coagulopathies (e.g. hemophilia, other coagulation factor deficiencies). It is also increased with concomitant use of CABLIVI with drugs affecting hemostasis and coagulation.
- Avoid concomitant use of CABLIVI with antiplatelet agents or anticoagulants. If clinically significant bleeding occurs, interrupt use of CABLIVI. Von Willebrand factor concentrate may be administered to rapidly correct hemostasis. If CABLIVI is restarted, monitor closely for signs of bleeding.
- Withhold CABLIVI for 7 days prior to elective surgery, dental procedures or other invasive interventions. If emergency surgery is needed, the use of von Willebrand factor concentrate may be considered to correct hemostasis. After the risk of surgical bleeding has resolved, and CABLIVI is resumed, monitor closely for signs of bleeding.
The most common adverse reactions (>15% of patients) were epistaxis (29%), headache (21%) and gingival bleeding (16%).
Concomitant use of CABLIVI with any anticoagulant or antiplatelet agent may increase the risk of bleeding. Avoid concomitant use when possible. Assess and monitor closely for bleeding with concomitant use.
There are no available data on CABLIVI use in pregnant women to inform a drug associated risk of major birth defects and miscarriage.
Fetal/neonatal adverse reactions: CABLIVI may increase the risk of bleeding in the fetus and neonate. Monitor neonates for bleeding.
Maternal adverse reactions: All patients receiving CABLIVI, including pregnant women, are at risk for bleeding. Pregnant women receiving CABLIVI should be carefully monitored for evidence of excessive bleeding.
CABLIVI (caplacizumab-yhdp) is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (aTTP), in combination with plasma exchange and immunosuppressive therapy.
Please see full Prescribing Information.
Instructions For Use
Sharps Medical Waste Disposal (PDF)
Learn more about Sanofi’s commitment to fighting counterfeit drugs.
References: 1. Zheng XL, Vesely SK, Cataland SR, et al. ISTH guidelines for treatment of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. J Thromb Haemost. 2020;18(10):2496-2502. doi:10.1111/jth.15010 2. Zheng XL, Vesely SK, Cataland SR, et al. ISTH guidelines for the diagnosis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. J Thromb Haemost. 2020;18(10):2486-2495. doi:10.1111/jth.15006 3. Oliveira DS, Lima TG, Neri Benevides FL, et al. PLASMIC score applicability for the diagnosis of thrombotic microangiopathy associated with ADAMTS13-acquired deficiency in a developing country. Hematol Transfus Cell Ther. 2019;41(2):119-124. doi:10.1016/j.htct.2018.10.002